Friday, September 17, 2010

Back to Class

After nearly 9 days in port (Spain and Morocco) we've struggled to get back into focus for the academic part of this enterprise. But we're there: classes resumed peacefully, the students are settling down to do their work, and the overall mood is still exhuberant. Herein, some random shots.Today in Global Studies, Cathy Rodgers, whose two daughters are SaS students (one on the ship with us now), gave a brilliant presentation on sustainability. Cathy is Vice President of Global Initiatives for IBM, is a dynamic speaker (and person), and is passionately committed to making a difference in the world. The students levitated as she spoke about global warming, preservation of resources, commitment, and individual action. An inspiring hour.
Otherwise, life is normal, that is, as normal as it can be when one is on a ship sailing around the world with a group of terrific students, first-rate faculty and staff, and extraordinary crew. What a pleasure; life is good.

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